A close up of a bug on the ground

General Pest Control

Our comprehensive pest control covers a wide range of common intruders.

If you are dealing with common household pests, we’ve got you. Our service includes treatment for a wide range of pests, including crickets, beetles, and spiders.

Pest control is always better when the technician and the homeowner work together. Check and make sure you are not giving these creepy crawlies food, water, shelter, or access. When scheduling services, it is best to keep a consistent plan that will continue to keep the population down. Taking these types of precautions makes our treatment more effective.

Our prices for general pest control are based on the size of your home. Please contact our office for a quote.


In chess, the queen is the most powerful piece. With ants, it is no different. Locate the ant hill and let us treat directly. If we can kill the queen, we will kill the colony.

Carpet and Darkling Beetles

Carpet Beetles- These pests can be a real nuisance. Keep your fabrics and furnishings safe with a carpet beetle treatment. Keep an eye out for these beetles and their larvae, which look like furry little caterpillars.

Darkling Beetles- When monsoon season hits, these bugs come out in large numbers looking for food. Don’t worry! Their food source is other bugs.


Crickets can be a food source for other pests. Let us get your crickets under control to help keep other pests away.


We’ve all heard the myth of how earwigs got their name. But here is a nice fact: earwigs are covered under our general pest control.

False Chinch Bugs

Do not be alarmed! Though these bugs can suddenly show up in the thousands, they usually leave as quickly as they appear.


Silverfish like moist environments, and our bathrooms are prime real estate.


When people move to Arizona, their first priority is keeping scorpions at bay. Scorpions are tough, made to survive the harsh conditions of the desert. Luckily, our products are made to penetrate their tough exoskeleton.


In Arizona, we have a wide range of arachnids. These 8-legged critters hunt your other pests for food. With general pest control, we knock down the webs and kill off their food source, making your home a less-than-ideal place for these pests to live.

We maintain a convenient contact schedule from Mon - Fri:8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, ensuring you can reach us whenever you need us.